Mettre en maux, c’est le debut de l’action – Writting what s going bad, is the beginning of action
AMEDDIAS was born in Luxembourg in 2007. Initially named « AMDDS », the initials of Luxembourg Professor Alexandre Marius Dées De Sterio (1945-2006), sadly disappeared in the Zoufftgen train accident, on the Franco-Luxembourg border in 2006. A fatal collision or seven people lost their life because of a referral error on the part of two CFL (Luxembourg Railways) agents.
He was going to teach a course in Information and Communication Sciences (SIC) at the University of Metz. « Marius », as he liked to be called, an exceptional humanist who will have marked the scientific and media sphere of his time.
His doctoral students in Information and Communication Sciences preparing a thesis at the Center for Research on Mediations (CREM) of the University of Metz joined forces to support and extend the scientific family initiated by « Marius ». The association has thus added vowels to « AMDDS » in order to complete and make their object heard better: the media. Thus was created « AMEDDIAS ».
After the departure of Marius, it was Jean Rhein, Dr. in economics and journalist for the Luxembourg national press Le Quotidien , who supported. AMEDDIAS. A friend of Marius who will have greatly contributed to the sustainability of his memory and his work. He will have left this world by leaving behind him like Marius, a huge void for all those who have known the impacts of their freedoms of expression beneficial to our societies.
Today, AMEDDIAS organizes conferences, training in mediatisation, communication and organization. Activities are carried out by branches in Europe, Africa, Canada and Brazil.
The association, in addition to the support of sponsors, keeps active thanks to all its volunteer members, its interns.